
Pitch Your Product

Think your part is worthy of the Dad Approved title? Well, you’ve got the unique opportunity to prove your case. Create your pitch, and we’ll go over it with our trusty scanning tools! If your part passes with no fault readings, you’ll be welcomed by the team at Dad Approved Parts to showcase your winning item to the world!

How It All Works

Create Your Pitch:

We’ve made this super simple for you! Fill out the form as if you were uploading your product to our platform. It’s important you knuckle down on your marketing prowess and create a gripping description, but don’t sweat over it too much, our team will give it a once over before it goes live! Don’t be afraid to roam our platform for inspiration!

Visual Appeal:

We can only upload ONE image per item, so make sure you give us your “Action Shot”! To stick out from the crowd, we recommend uploading an image with minimal white space.

Selection Process:

If you don’t hear from the team straight away, don’t fret! We understand your excitement, and endeavour to return to you directly via email with our verdict within 7-days of submission.

If you’re interested in being featured on the home page, contact us directly!


Pitch Your Product

Personal Information

Product Details